Barbershop Criteria

- It has four parts – no more, no less.
- It has melodies that are easily remembered.
- It has lyrics that are clear and understandable.
- It has clear, recognizable form within the music.
- It is emotionally satisfying to both the listener and the performer.
- It has rhythmic interest as an important and vital part of an up-tune.
- Properly tuned barbershop chords are congruent with the physics of sound.
- The artistic potential is unlimited since we are not bound by the printed page.
- Energy and physical involvement are required from the singer in a degree of intensity not usually found in other choral forms.
- Barbershop harmonic structure is characterized by:
- It is challenging to perform because:
- It has melodies that are easily remembered.
- It has lyrics that are clear and understandable.
- It has clear, recognizable form within the music.
- It is emotionally satisfying to both the listener and the performer.
- It has rhythmic interest as an important and vital part of an up-tune.
- Properly tuned barbershop chords are congruent with the physics of sound.
- The artistic potential is unlimited since we are not bound by the printed page.
- Energy and physical involvement are required from the singer in a degree of intensity not usually found in other choral forms.
- Barbershop harmonic structure is characterized by:
- a strong Bass line;
- melody in an internal part;
- complete chords without any non-chord tones;
- mostly major triads, dominant 7th chords, and dominant 9th chords with other chords used in passing as demanded by the implied harmony; and
- traditional harmonic movement and resolutions.
- It is challenging to perform because:
- it requires great vocal skill and is usually sung by amateur singers; and
- all chords must be heard with clarity requiring singers to sing precise interval.