The Vista Hills Chorus is back at it with creative goodness and growth! Our goals for the 2023/2024 year are to continue to hone our vocal production skills and hold ourselves to a higher standard: to learn our music more efficiently, to train our voices more thoroughly, to further our individual and collective education as it relates to barbershop music - you know... this hobby that we all know and love!
To that end, we hosted a very successful guest night. With advertising both online and in physical print, as well as an interview with a local paper, we had an amazing turnout of 10 guests! We taught some tags, had some cookies, and shared our love of barbershop music with our new friends. As of the end of September, we have three new members and two of them came from that night. Say hello to our new Lead, Lola, and our two new Baritones, Kathryn and Kelley! Special shout out to former member, Judy (singing Lead) who is visiting for the holiday season!
On the other end of the spectrum and in the interest of continued personal growth, two of our longest standing members have swapped parts: Gloria has moved (back) to Tenor and Jennifer has moved to Bass. We are all enjoying the new challenges this puts in front of us and look forward to sharing our efforts with our regional friends very soon.
To that end, we hosted a very successful guest night. With advertising both online and in physical print, as well as an interview with a local paper, we had an amazing turnout of 10 guests! We taught some tags, had some cookies, and shared our love of barbershop music with our new friends. As of the end of September, we have three new members and two of them came from that night. Say hello to our new Lead, Lola, and our two new Baritones, Kathryn and Kelley! Special shout out to former member, Judy (singing Lead) who is visiting for the holiday season!
On the other end of the spectrum and in the interest of continued personal growth, two of our longest standing members have swapped parts: Gloria has moved (back) to Tenor and Jennifer has moved to Bass. We are all enjoying the new challenges this puts in front of us and look forward to sharing our efforts with our regional friends very soon.